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Attendance Policy

Regular daily attendance is very important.  It assists children in their academic progress and helps them to be more secure in their school group.  It also gives them an appreciation of the importance of education.  All outside activities should be scheduled after school hours.  Dental and medical appointments should also be arranged for after school hours whenever possible.  


Parents are expected to call or otherwise communicate with their child’s house administrative office on each day their student is absent from school, tardy to school or to be dismissed from school. Communication from parents is required for absences to be recorded as excused. For your convenience, each house office has voice mail during non-school hours.

  • Warner House:   255-7223
  • Webster House: 255-7236
  • Wright House:    255-7240

For full directory information, please click here.  

It is essential that the school be informed when a student is absent from class(es) due to illness or other excusable reason so that the student’s teachers can be properly informed. Failure to report absences to the school may cause a student to lose credit in accordance with the attendance policy

All students and parents should be aware of the full attendance policy.  There are two resources to reference:

1. Go to the FLHS Student and Parent Handbook and see the Attendance Policy in the Appendix.  
2. Go the District Board of Education Policy Page.  (Click Here)